Business Expert: Sommer Leigh

Sommer Leigh has been working with content strategy, SEO (search engine optimization) and digital marketing for more than 17 years. She started in the business so long ago it wasn’t even called SEO at the time. She and her company, Sleigh Consulting, make up the team who can help get your website in front of the relevant customers, can assist with presenting your brand’s message in the clearest way and can manage all aspects of digital marketing.

Sommer is a long-time business owner. She is a sought-after speaker for organizations that seek help with business planning. She and her team write lots of blogs for clients. Sleigh Consulting ghostwrites the blog with the headline belonging to the client. Hiring out the preparation of blog content is a proven way to build consistent, quality content for a brand and/or website.

Best advice received: It’s ok to not have all the answers, to not have it all figured out. We’re all still learning, there is no true expert. Also, clarity! Clarity is kindness, being unclear is unkind. -Brene Brown

Sommer encourages longtime merchants to take an honest look at what they are doing. She says: “disrupt your industry by not only watching what direct competitors are doing, but instead look outside your industry and figure out how you can take the same successful tactics and modify them for your business.”

Tip for a new merchant: Don’t follow the same path and use the same techniques as your competitors; no-one ever got ahead by being like their competitors, instead forge your own path.

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