This quote sums up running a retail business. It’s a process and it has seasons. Our seasons might not look like winter, spring, summer and fall, but we certainly change throughout our life. In 2021, my brick-and-mortar store is celebrating 10 years. As I look back, it is so easy to see how I learned something, grew and changed for the better. Then leveled out.Then learned something, grew and changed for the better.This process repeats constantly. Sometimes the learning happens every day.Sometimes it takes a little longer. But the point is, that every season of my business has had a role in how I’ve gotten to where I am today. I’ve made mistakes along the way and have learned from them.
Where I get excited about my business is trying to look ahead and figure out how I can push the business in an area to grow and change. I won’t know the results until it happens. Maybe I’ll be pushing in the right direction. Maybe we’ll take a detour along the way. And, maybe I’ll be halted before I make it to the finish line.But I know I’ll be learning and growing along the way.And,
my business will be better because of it.
My love and passion for my business comes through loud and clear to our customers and it reflects right back at me for a very full heart and a business that is ever growing and changing for the better. I’m grateful for this each day. In March, the Association for Creative Industries (AFCI) presented me with the Brick-and-Mortar Retailer of the Year during the annual Creativation show.
I was honored to be recognized for the work we do at Hen & Chicks Studio. Our team works hard to meet the needs of our customers and to grow our business. Earning this award is wonderful recognition of our hard work.
What season is your business in? How can you reach the next growing season? I’d love to hear what your challenges are in 2021. Email me at Heidi@AmericanQuiltRetailer.com.
In This Issue
- From the Editor
- It’s Not a Secret: Manage your assets properly for a successful business
- Push the Envelope: Kizer & Bender offer 12 tips for top-notch customer service
- Reach Customers via Email: Set up an effective communication plan step-by-step.
- Stand Out!: Shape customers into loyal fans
- Routines Rock: Learn how a daily schedule can set you up for success.
- Materials Matter: Find the latest fabrics and designs about to hit your store shelf.
- Hot Picks: Check out products and notions to offer to your customers.
- Book Nook: Learn more about three new books via interviews with the authors.
- Instagram Insights: Understand social media and how your posts reach customers.
- 3 Keys to Effective Brand Marketing: Use your unique characteristics to create your business’ brand.
- Free-to-Use Pattern: The mother-daughter team behind The Whole Country Caboodle works closely together to create whimsical appliqué projects for their customers. Their pattern, Welcome Gnome, is a quick-and-easy Free-to-Use Pattern this issue.
- Online Resources: Take advantage of the many resources on our website.