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Product Photography

Product photography

I’ve learned the most about product photography from following vintage clothing accounts on Instagram.

You heard that right, I learn from an outside source that has almost nothing to do with the quilting industry.

But in a lot of ways, it does. These accounts are small businesses that have to set themselves apart from their competition. Assuming their brand is what separates them, they have to stay as true to that as possible.

When people think of product photography, I think people think of what they see when they shop online; a plain, bright white background that makes the product pop.

Don’t feel like you have to have this, and also don’t feel like you have to go out and purchase photography lights, backdrop boxes, or even an expensive lens for your camera.

Be Consistent

The most important thing to remember about product photography is to be consistent. Use the same device to snap the photos (so the quality is the same) and preferably the same place (to take out other inconsistencies, like lighting).

Keep in mind that the higher the image quality, the better for your customer. This is especially important when choosing which product photo to post on your website/Instagram/Facebook story.

If you haven’t invested in a tripod before, now may be the time to do so (even if you take photos from your phone). Being the same distance and height from the products each and every time is key to remaining consistent.

If you chose to edit your photos (which I recommend—photo editing can separate the boys from the men), make sure you use the same filter every time. Filters play into your company’s brand more than you realize, think about how some photos can soften a look while others can make them more sharp.

Lastly, consider mixing in-context images with your product-only images so the consumer can get the best idea of what your product is and does before making their purchase.

What time saving tips have you found to keep up with your product photography? Share your comments to help the quilt retail community.

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