American Quilt Retailer: February 2019



My actions in 2019 are going to overcome any fears I have about succeeding. I have goals to reach with both my quilt shop and with my publishing business, and although there is risk involved with a few of the goals, I’m not letting fear get in the way of accomplishing them. There are two things I’m doing to ensure that my course is set in the right direction.

Gathering Information: Information is power. Between reading, participating in business groups, and attending classes and conferences, I know I’ll be equipped with lots of facts, figures and inspiration. Take for example, a panel discussion

I attended at Creativation 2019 (find me on for pictures!). The discussion, entitled “Let’s Get Real: The Challenges and Opportunities within the Industry,” provided a rare chance to hear from multiple CEOs and other leaders at Craft Box Girls, Plaid Enterprises, Notions Marketing, Spinrite, A.C. Moore, Michaels, and Scrapbooking Made Simple. I walked away from this event having heard discussions on how to “regenerate consumers,” drive “trip motivation,” understand “digital signals” from customers, and how to “manage overwhelm” by knowing what your business is and who your customers are. My hand was flying as I took notes and later brainstormed with experts about how these topics work into the quilting industry and how I want to learn more about them.

The months ahead have me participating in book clubs, mastermind groups, and business coaching; attending creative events; and listening intently to shop owners and our store customers. I know every day will present a learning opportunity. Intentional Planning: Although I love to hope for the best and can go with the ow when plans change, my goals are not going to happen without literally putting dates on my calendar and creating schedules for how the work will get done. It’s much like planning a trip and one of my biggest trips this year will be attending Spring Quilt Market in Kansas City. Turn to page 44 and learn more about why you won’t want to miss Schoolhouse and Market this year.

Whatever goals you have in 2019, I encourage you to think of this acronym when you might be doubting yourself. FEAR: “Forget Everything And Run” or “Face Everything And Rise”—the choice is yours.

In Every Issue

  • From the Editor, Connect with AQR Online
  • On the Cover
  • Sharing the Art of Applique, Free-to-Use Pattern: Swan Amity Sheridan has a love for appliqué that is contagious and she’ll give you ideas for how to get your customers hooked on it too. Use the Enchantment pillow as your next Free-to-Use pattern.

Business Savvy

  • Get Organized, Not Overwhelmed: Life coach Beth Montpas keeps us from getting overwhelmed.
  • Building a Business Through Etsy: Meet an online shop owner that manages a staff and large inventory to meet her customer’s needs.
  • Winning Windows: Retail experts Kizer and Bender share do’s and don’ts when it comes to what your customers see first.
  • Facebook Advertising: Insight into making this social media giant work hard for you.
  • Be a Problem Solver, Not a Product Pusher: Build relationships with customers by solving their problems.

Check It Out

  • Doodles to Designs: Meet Lori Kennedy, and be inspired to help your customers finish their projects with machine quilting.
  • Materials Matter: Fabrics are the backbone of our industry and we’re showcasing just a few of the latest colors and patterns to hit the cutting table.
  • Hot Picks: Products to showcase to your customers.
  • Book Nook: Learn about the latest books in the quilting industry.
  • Quilt Shop Owner Q&A: Retailers have questions, and expert Tom Shay tackles them head-on.